Since I read this post on Stuck in Plastic, I’ve continuously been thinking about colors. Around the time the post was published I was just starting realizing how much photography changed me and how I’m now looking in a completely different way at light. Since then I’ve also started to look at colors differently. To force me to pay attention to colors, I decided to try to challenge myself and take photos of Ninjago minifigures paying extra attention to both their color and the color in the environment. During the past weeks getting these shots has been my main focus. I wasn’t satisfied with the photo of the green ninja I initially shared on social media, and now after having made a new version, I finally decided to share the four pictures of this “colored shinobi series” in a blog post. Yet I know there is a lot of room for improvement and it’s not impossible I’ll continue to work on these in the weeks to come. (I’m also thinking about a fifth shot with a missing silver shinobi).