Last time I updated my blog, it was to question whether I should keep Reiterlied or not. 6 months later, it seems I will. With 2018 coming slowly to an end, I thought I could wake up this blog by telling about how I’ve felt during the past year.
Stuck in the North
I am Stuck in the North. I already mentioned it last year.
Originally from Belgium, in December 2016, my job led me to move to Oulu, Northern Finland. Being Stuck in the North is the result of the feeling that quickly invaded me during my first year spent in Northern Finland.
The name is a reference to Stuck in Plastic, the creative collective of (toy) photographers to which I belong.
So what does it mean? Since I moved to Oulu, I’ve felt an increasing need to express myself about life here. I want to try to express and share my love for The North by mixing two passions of mine: toys and outdoor photography.
The North
But what is the North?

The North is the word I use to call Northern Fennoscandia: Northern Finland, Sweden, and Norway. Other words used to describe the area are the Arctic, Northern Scandinavia, Lapland/Sapmi, Norden or Pohjola. Many of those can be inaccurate and I simply prefer to use “The North”.

There are a few elements that make it so great.
The unspoiled nature. The peaceful atmosphere. A high standard of quality of life. And the amazing sunlight throughout the year. As a consequence of the very Northern latitude, the sun is often close to the horizon for extended periods of time. It makes the light amazing for enjoying the amazing unspoiled nature and photographing it.

What it means to be stuck in the North
I’ve felt an increasing need to express my feelings about the North.
Toy photography has become over the years the way to express myself. It’s no surprise to me that the Nordic wilderness and the Nordic light started to become both an integral part and major theme of my photography.

But there’s a need for more. A need to write about it, and a need to mix toy photography content with non-toy photography content.
This is what being Stuck in the North is all about…