Maëlick in the North

Toy Photography in Northern Finland, Sweden and Norway

The Fate of Reiterlied


A bit more than a year ago, I joined a new Adventure at Stuck in Plastic. Although I had no idea where this would this lead me, I accepted the challenge. I got hooked and eventually became a member of SiP. After a successful 12-word Adventure in 2017, we went for a 52-word challenge centered around human values and emotions this year.

In the meantime, my personal website has suffered from it. Not that I’ve ever been really active here, or have had (as far as I know) any real audience. But each time I had an idea for a more personal post which would feel right at home here, it never came to life.

Stuck in the North

At the same time as joining Stuck in Plastic, I also got to know better Northern Finland (and Sweden and Norway). In a couple of months, I fell in love with Northern Fennoscandia and realized that in addition to being Stuck in Plastic, I might also be Stuck in the North.

Since then, I’ve felt an increasing need to express my feelings about what I call the North. The Nordic wilderness and Nordic light started to become both an integral part and major theme of my photography. But there’s a need for more. A need to write about it, and a need to mix toy photography content with non-toy photography content. It’s now been a while that I’ve been thinking about starting a new blog about my own Adventures here in the North.

The End for Reiterlied?

This led me to think also about whether Reiterlied still makes sense. If I were to start something new, may it be a personal blog or more simply a social media account, centered around life with toys in the North, would I still need Reiterlied? Will I still have the time, energy and/or motivation to keep it alive?

Or rather than creating something new, maybe the answer is to rename Reiterlied. I initially created Reiterlied for the purpose of separating toy photography from my “regular” photography. Almost four years later, toy photography is the only type of photography that I still share online. In many ways, using Reiterlied as a nickname was a mistake. Not only it’s difficult for people not familiar with German to know how to pronounce it, but it’s common for German people coming across my social media profiles to believe I speak German.

As often with this kind of decisions, I’m stuck with what appears to be an unsolvable dilemma. To let go of Reiterlied or start something else in parallel? I don’t know yet but hopefully, time will tell…

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